Really... my final post ever from Sweden!? This is sad, because I've enjoyed my time over here so much. Tomorrow I leave in the evening tomorrow night, and take a train to Copenhagen at midnight. I will sleep in the airport overnight, because my flight leaves early at 7.30. Hopefully, since I'm flying gold, I can chill and eat free food in the "gold lounge" or whatever.
Recap of James Jarman's and Victor's Visit: They came in Wednesday, and I showed them what Sweden was like, and I think they enjoyed it. We went and hung out at O'leary's sports bar Thursday night. Friday we went snowboarding at a "mountain" 30 minutes away. The mountain wasn't very big, so it was a perfect opportunity to try and learn snowboarding. After falling on my ass the first run down, I picked up on turning/carving and the rest was easy. Even pulled an air off a jump. :) After waking up early on Friday to go snowboarding, we went to a goodbye party at Villhemsro, a student accommodation 10 minutes by bus. James and Victor were meeting people, as people were crying and saying goodbye, so it was interesting, lol. But its a different experience for them, because they came as friends already knowing someone in Sweden.
My finals went well, and I hope I passed all 4 classes so I get my international engineering minor. Everything has been coming to a close the past 2 weeks, so I've been slowing getting ready to go home. I said a lot of goodbyes today, or "see you laters." Most semesters at UCF fly by, but this semester felt like a long time. I've been in Europe for a long time, and done a lot of travelling: Copenhagen, Munich for Oktoberfest, Kiruna, Tallinn-Estonia, and of course Norway and Stockholm with my father. I really bonded with my friends in Delta, and we have become very close. I will miss them a lot, and probably won't see them for at least a year or two. Starting off 4.5 months ago not knowing a single soul in Europe, to the place where I'm at today is really rewarding to think about. I will really miss Sweden, but my time here is finished. Time for the next chapter of my life, to use the things I learned here. Hej da!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friends are coming soon
As I write this, 2 friends from back home - James Jarman and Victor- are almost here to visit me in Jonkoping. Should be a fun time, and I am very excited at showing someone from back home "my" city. I am done with my finals, but still have 2 small assignments to turn in. But basically, I am free from school now. I just get to experience the last couple of days the way I want - no school. I am thinking about going snowboarding this friday at a "mountain" within an hour drive from here. Yes, snowboarding....the hill isn't very steep, so this will be a good opportunity to learn it - can't be more difficult than wakeboarding.
The sidewalks here are frozen solid. This happened because the temperature went above 0 and the snow melted, then the next day went back below and froze. Its very difficult to walk on them, and I have witnessed one person falling - hilarious! lol
Last sunday, I went to my contact person Madde's house and made Lussebullar, which is typical for Swedish people to eat this time of year. It was fun hanging out, talking about the semester, and playing Swedish games, such as laying out a bunch of raisins on the table, and guessing which one the other person was thinking of. lol yea, Swedish people can be weird. We also drank the alcoholic version of Glögg, which was strong and overpowering. They only drink Glögg during the holidays.
The next couple of days will be full of goodbyes, because I come home in 6 days. :(
The sidewalks here are frozen solid. This happened because the temperature went above 0 and the snow melted, then the next day went back below and froze. Its very difficult to walk on them, and I have witnessed one person falling - hilarious! lol
Last sunday, I went to my contact person Madde's house and made Lussebullar, which is typical for Swedish people to eat this time of year. It was fun hanging out, talking about the semester, and playing Swedish games, such as laying out a bunch of raisins on the table, and guessing which one the other person was thinking of. lol yea, Swedish people can be weird. We also drank the alcoholic version of Glögg, which was strong and overpowering. They only drink Glögg during the holidays.
The next couple of days will be full of goodbyes, because I come home in 6 days. :(
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
KIRUNA + End of Semester
Okej, so I'll do a quick blog update because I'm taking a break from studying. I have a Materials and Simulation Final on Sunday. On tuesday, I have a short paper due for Intercultural Communication, as well as a quiz and we also do a 10 minute presentation about our country in front of the entire class. So this is my last blog update until monday. It's also really sad that I have less than 2 weeks remaining here in Sweden. I think it will be just as tough to say goodbye as it was coming here. All good things must come to an end, though.
Last weekend, we took a trip to Kiruna, and it was a blast. Kiruna is the northernmost city in Sweden that is located above the artic circle, with a poplulation of merely 20,000. The city is alive because of the worlds largest iron ore mine located right beneath the city. Actually a cool thing about the mine is that it is actually destroying the city (due to creep/land deformations from the mine), so the city must rebuild away from the mine in the next 5-10 years.
The fun part of the trip:
We did a dogsled tour the first night, and it was a unique experience. We didn't get to actually drive the sleds, but it was still pretty cool to be driven by Huskies. Our sled was kinda heavy, and I could tell our guide was having difficulties driving the sled - as a result we got a little bit off course and ran into a tree! lol. On Sunday, we went on a snowmobile tour to the ICEHOTEL. The ICEHOTEL ( is purely made from ice and snow, and was under construction when we saw it. Also the snowmobiles had awesome acceleration (topped out at 105 km/hr) and it was a great way to see the untouched beauty of Swedish Lapland. Our accommodation was an 11-person cabin about 5km away from the city at a place called Camp Alta. It was nice to sit around our fire and warm up after being in -20 degree Celsius weather. Finally, we did not get to see the Northern Lights. :( I think it was too early in the season, which is disappointing. I'll add it to my bucket list and do it later in life. To sum it up: awesome trip, kinda expensive, but definetly worth it. :)
*Check back later for pictures from the trip
Last weekend, we took a trip to Kiruna, and it was a blast. Kiruna is the northernmost city in Sweden that is located above the artic circle, with a poplulation of merely 20,000. The city is alive because of the worlds largest iron ore mine located right beneath the city. Actually a cool thing about the mine is that it is actually destroying the city (due to creep/land deformations from the mine), so the city must rebuild away from the mine in the next 5-10 years.
The fun part of the trip:
We did a dogsled tour the first night, and it was a unique experience. We didn't get to actually drive the sleds, but it was still pretty cool to be driven by Huskies. Our sled was kinda heavy, and I could tell our guide was having difficulties driving the sled - as a result we got a little bit off course and ran into a tree! lol. On Sunday, we went on a snowmobile tour to the ICEHOTEL. The ICEHOTEL ( is purely made from ice and snow, and was under construction when we saw it. Also the snowmobiles had awesome acceleration (topped out at 105 km/hr) and it was a great way to see the untouched beauty of Swedish Lapland. Our accommodation was an 11-person cabin about 5km away from the city at a place called Camp Alta. It was nice to sit around our fire and warm up after being in -20 degree Celsius weather. Finally, we did not get to see the Northern Lights. :( I think it was too early in the season, which is disappointing. I'll add it to my bucket list and do it later in life. To sum it up: awesome trip, kinda expensive, but definetly worth it. :)
*Check back later for pictures from the trip
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Holiday Season
The snow keeps falling, the weather keeps getting colder (last night it was -10 Celsius)....but despite this I am still really enjoying the Swedish winter. There is a Christmas market going on now that is literally a 3 minute walk away, so today I went around explored and took some pictures. It was pretty cool seeing how the Swedes celebrate the Christmas holiday, with a lot of food, candy, sweets, singing, etc. There was a stage set up that had people caroling and also some teenage girls that put on a "dance performance." I sampled this drink called Glögg, which is a Swedish drink that only comes out around christmas time - The fire department was there, and did a rescue simulation. I am like a half kilometer away, and I hear this "YYYAAAAAA" then a loud SPLASH. I feel bad for that volunteer who had to jump in the lake to be "rescued", because unless you paid me at least 500,000 SEK, I am not jumping in that ice bucket.
Tyler's friend Matt is visiting from Canada, and he's a pretty cool guy. Likes to drink as much as Tyler, and today they are drinking for a straight 24 hours. I am not participating in this because I have to study for my Swedish exam this friday. If I don't pass this class, I will not meet the requirements for my International Engineering minor. Pressure's on!
I bought my ticket to the Goodbye Dinner for this Wednesday, and I am predicting it to be a sad night. This will be the official goodbye, because some students will leave to go back home right after finals. Also I've noticed that where exchange students live has a big affect on their experience in Sweden. Cliques have formed, and people even have names for their accommodation. For example, Vilhelmsro calls themselves "VCrew," and one guy even got a tattoo of their "logo." The people in Furan used the Superman logo and put an F instead of an S. Observing this, we in delta had to come up with a cool name too and came up with "Delta Force." If you check out my Tallinn pics you will see that we put our logo on the back of our white t-shirts. People living in Bäckadal think they are the funnest group. They are fun and awesome people, but not very diverse (mostly French).
For me, living in Delta has been the best experience for me. We are not just really close friends, but more like a family....even fight like one (Friday night there was a big argument about Josete being too loud, was intense at the time but the next day we all made up). Whenver I am at the University or at a night club, I talk to everyone, but when I come home, its nice to have their company. Okay, that is my Delta speech, hope you liked it. :)
Finally, check out the picture of the university on this blog page. Together the Engineering School and JIBS (Jonkoping International Business School) are shaped like a key...symbolizing that the university is the "key to the city."
Tyler's friend Matt is visiting from Canada, and he's a pretty cool guy. Likes to drink as much as Tyler, and today they are drinking for a straight 24 hours. I am not participating in this because I have to study for my Swedish exam this friday. If I don't pass this class, I will not meet the requirements for my International Engineering minor. Pressure's on!
I bought my ticket to the Goodbye Dinner for this Wednesday, and I am predicting it to be a sad night. This will be the official goodbye, because some students will leave to go back home right after finals. Also I've noticed that where exchange students live has a big affect on their experience in Sweden. Cliques have formed, and people even have names for their accommodation. For example, Vilhelmsro calls themselves "VCrew," and one guy even got a tattoo of their "logo." The people in Furan used the Superman logo and put an F instead of an S. Observing this, we in delta had to come up with a cool name too and came up with "Delta Force." If you check out my Tallinn pics you will see that we put our logo on the back of our white t-shirts. People living in Bäckadal think they are the funnest group. They are fun and awesome people, but not very diverse (mostly French).
For me, living in Delta has been the best experience for me. We are not just really close friends, but more like a family....even fight like one (Friday night there was a big argument about Josete being too loud, was intense at the time but the next day we all made up). Whenver I am at the University or at a night club, I talk to everyone, but when I come home, its nice to have their company. Okay, that is my Delta speech, hope you liked it. :)
Finally, check out the picture of the university on this blog page. Together the Engineering School and JIBS (Jonkoping International Business School) are shaped like a key...symbolizing that the university is the "key to the city."
Friday, November 26, 2010
A Swedish Thanksgiving
Spending time with my "overseas" family was a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving, even though I miss family/friends/old traditions back home. But hey, I'm in Sweden, so I had to do something different. There was about 13 of us, and we all made something different, something that represented our culture, and combined them for one awesome dinner. Shots of Jager from Boris, the German, started it off.....then we had my green bean casserole (turned out excellent!), Chili from Tyler and his friend, Salad, sausage and a typical cake from Slovenia, Quiche from the Dutch girls, Ratatouille and some wine from the French, Goulash soup from the Hungarian, and finally Tiramisu from the Italians...Translated, tiramisu literally means "pull me up"....which I heard the story at least 3 times while eating. Overall it was a great meal, but would have been better if we had more room to maneuver. 13 people jammed in a tight corridor was tough.
If you are wondering why the facebook event for this was called "First Annual Marc Sucks Feast in Sweden," you can blame Tyler, the Canadian roommate, lol. He didn't want to call it Thanksgiving because in Canada, its in October. So after I made him an administrator for the event to invite more people, and he hijacked it.....removing me as an admin., changing the picture and posting "I've got the Power" on my wall. We had a good laugh.
Australian culture day was on Wednesday, and was fun hanging out in the Student Haus. After trying some Australian snacks, we went outside in the snow and kicked the football around (Australian football, that is). One of the Sarah's from Australia that I talked to said that this was an accurate representation of Australian people....if thats the case, then I would like to visit Aussies in their home territory one day.
If you are wondering why the facebook event for this was called "First Annual Marc Sucks Feast in Sweden," you can blame Tyler, the Canadian roommate, lol. He didn't want to call it Thanksgiving because in Canada, its in October. So after I made him an administrator for the event to invite more people, and he hijacked it.....removing me as an admin., changing the picture and posting "I've got the Power" on my wall. We had a good laugh.
Australian culture day was on Wednesday, and was fun hanging out in the Student Haus. After trying some Australian snacks, we went outside in the snow and kicked the football around (Australian football, that is). One of the Sarah's from Australia that I talked to said that this was an accurate representation of Australian people....if thats the case, then I would like to visit Aussies in their home territory one day.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
what a week
Here was my past week in Sweden:
During the week, Tallinn Cruise: We took a bus ride to Stockholm, and then left for an overnight trip to Estonia. The first night there was a dinner buffet with unlimited food and alcohol for two hours: lets just say that Jonkoping was the loudest school there. Party at night (was okay), then we arrived in Tallinn, Estonia at 10AM. At 12:15 I proceeded to wake everyone up, which was dificult, lol for obvious reasons. Our first impression of the city was that it was dirty, depressing, and just overall not very cool. This was just by the boat docks, because once we arrived at the
This past weekend: Friday night just stayed in and watched a movie ;) and last night we did our normal trip to Huset after a birthday party on the 5th floor. Was a fun weekend, but during the week was better.
-The weather is getting colder (obviously) and has been snowing more often. Also, the main street is lined with lights overhead, which makes it look awesome at night. Unfortunately night begins at 4pm.
-Initiation is going on back home for Beta Theta Pi. I can't wait to meet the new brothers of my chapter. Which is actually coming up too soon. Just about a month away until this whole process is over!! :( I cannot say goodbye to this just yet, and will probably shed a few tears when the time comes.
Things I'm looking forward to:
-Thanksgiving is this thursday. Need to represent the USA on this one.
-James Jarman and Victor visiting me in December
-Taking 3 finals....just kidding! not looking forward to this one.
-Kiruna trip. There's 9 of us going, and after calling a few audibles, we finally have the plans set. We are flying there on saturday (no 24 hour train ride), taking a doglsed tour in the evening to see the Northern Lights. Sunday we are taking a 6 hour snowmobile tour to the ICE Hotel (which we will see under construction), and monday we are getting a tour of the iron mine, which is the largest underground mine in the world. I'm really excited for this, but need to do school work in the mean time. Hej då!
During the week, Tallinn Cruise: We took a bus ride to Stockholm, and then left for an overnight trip to Estonia. The first night there was a dinner buffet with unlimited food and alcohol for two hours: lets just say that Jonkoping was the loudest school there. Party at night (was okay), then we arrived in Tallinn, Estonia at 10AM. At 12:15 I proceeded to wake everyone up, which was dificult, lol for obvious reasons. Our first impression of the city was that it was dirty, depressing, and just overall not very cool. This was just by the boat docks, because once we arrived at the
This past weekend: Friday night just stayed in and watched a movie ;) and last night we did our normal trip to Huset after a birthday party on the 5th floor. Was a fun weekend, but during the week was better.
-The weather is getting colder (obviously) and has been snowing more often. Also, the main street is lined with lights overhead, which makes it look awesome at night. Unfortunately night begins at 4pm.
-Initiation is going on back home for Beta Theta Pi. I can't wait to meet the new brothers of my chapter. Which is actually coming up too soon. Just about a month away until this whole process is over!! :( I cannot say goodbye to this just yet, and will probably shed a few tears when the time comes.
Things I'm looking forward to:
-Thanksgiving is this thursday. Need to represent the USA on this one.
-James Jarman and Victor visiting me in December
-Taking 3 finals....just kidding! not looking forward to this one.
-Kiruna trip. There's 9 of us going, and after calling a few audibles, we finally have the plans set. We are flying there on saturday (no 24 hour train ride), taking a doglsed tour in the evening to see the Northern Lights. Sunday we are taking a 6 hour snowmobile tour to the ICE Hotel (which we will see under construction), and monday we are getting a tour of the iron mine, which is the largest underground mine in the world. I'm really excited for this, but need to do school work in the mean time. Hej då!
Monday, November 15, 2010
22nd birthday
hej, thank you all for the birthday wishes. It was cool having friends from different countries write "happy birthday" in a bunch of different languages on my wall. Also, I miss back home, and even though its been the best time of my life over here...I know I have to get back to "reality" sometime, lol. My birthday night was fun, supposedly everyone counted down to midnight and yelled HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and I hugged everyone. Sunday, about 12 of us went to a pizza place for a bday dinner, and I ordered the Kabob Pizza (looked bad, but tasted phennomenal). No cake, but it doesn't matter to me because whats important is the company.
Today was pretty busy. We spray painted white t-shirts for the Tallinn cruise, which is tomorrow!! We had stencils that said random things like "Team JKPG" and "I'd hit that" and we made our shirts unique. Should be fun, and we leave tomorrow!!
Also, today I had the opportunity to help a researcher in one of the materials and casting labs at the university. I helped in an experiemnt that basically heated a magnesium and aluminum mixture, cooled it down a little and poured out the "sloshy" mixture. Boring? a little bit. Was cool when some of the 600 degree celsius material missed the container and almost caught the floor on fire. Other than that, its just something to put on my resume. :)
I failed my Swedish Exam!!! I feel dumb, and now have to re-take it on December 3rd, right before the Kiruna trip. No pressure, though, because if I fail it again I don't get my minor in International Engineering.
Finally, I forgot this story: About a week ago, I got a haircut from a swedish guy who spoke literally no English. The only word he knew was "shorter?" After his boss translated my request, I sat there extremely nervous and watched closely the entire time. Turned out great though.
Today was pretty busy. We spray painted white t-shirts for the Tallinn cruise, which is tomorrow!! We had stencils that said random things like "Team JKPG" and "I'd hit that" and we made our shirts unique. Should be fun, and we leave tomorrow!!
Also, today I had the opportunity to help a researcher in one of the materials and casting labs at the university. I helped in an experiemnt that basically heated a magnesium and aluminum mixture, cooled it down a little and poured out the "sloshy" mixture. Boring? a little bit. Was cool when some of the 600 degree celsius material missed the container and almost caught the floor on fire. Other than that, its just something to put on my resume. :)
I failed my Swedish Exam!!! I feel dumb, and now have to re-take it on December 3rd, right before the Kiruna trip. No pressure, though, because if I fail it again I don't get my minor in International Engineering.
Finally, I forgot this story: About a week ago, I got a haircut from a swedish guy who spoke literally no English. The only word he knew was "shorter?" After his boss translated my request, I sat there extremely nervous and watched closely the entire time. Turned out great though.
Friday, November 12, 2010
brief update
so theres about 5 weeks left in this whole exchange experience, and it keeps getting more fun every day. Our floor has been full of visitors (friends, girl's boyfriends, etc.) and mostly they're Italians. Akademien was fun wednesdy night, my birthday is this weekend, we have planned our trip to Kiruna, Tallinn cruise is next tuesday, my 2 classses are actually pretty cool with great professors, talking to girls is going well. And yea, that's pretty much it for now. Have to go back to work, and then we are going to a chocolate factory this afternoon. Yea, a chocolate factory, lol. When we walked home from the free nature hike, we saw a sign that said "chocolate factor tours" so we're going back there today and checking it out. I'm keeping my expectations low for this one. lol Ready for a great weekend!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
International Day
Yesterday was International Day at each one of the individual schools, which is basically a huge event where students represent their country. This was done mainly by food from their country, but it was also a means for students intersted in studying there to talk to someone from that country. I should not have eaten anything this day before I got there, because food was everywhere! My favorite was Switzerland, where they had cheese fondue on bread, and it was spectacular.
We represented the USA and UCF by cooking Mac'n'Cheese, playing Beer Pong, and having a powerpoint on my laptop. We couldn't have alcohol, so we used Coca-Cola instead (still American! lol). We had limited space, so we had everyone take 2 steps back and take a shot, and if they made it, then they "won" coke. One guy (from Germany), made a shot from accross the room, which was impressive. Coke Pong was perfect because it was a good way to pass the 3 hours that we were supposed to stand there, and a fun way to interact with everyone....and not be like "hi, where are you from? what have you heard about America?"
Now I'm really busy with school, and need to focus on that.....until the weekend. Also plan the Kiruna Trip.
We represented the USA and UCF by cooking Mac'n'Cheese, playing Beer Pong, and having a powerpoint on my laptop. We couldn't have alcohol, so we used Coca-Cola instead (still American! lol). We had limited space, so we had everyone take 2 steps back and take a shot, and if they made it, then they "won" coke. One guy (from Germany), made a shot from accross the room, which was impressive. Coke Pong was perfect because it was a good way to pass the 3 hours that we were supposed to stand there, and a fun way to interact with everyone....and not be like "hi, where are you from? what have you heard about America?"
Now I'm really busy with school, and need to focus on that.....until the weekend. Also plan the Kiruna Trip.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Copenhagen was a lot of fun, and a GREAT way to spend Halloween. Highlights of the trip include walking around downtown Copenhagen with Viking hats, me getting lost in a staircase, not being able to find Tyler on Sunday, and ending up in a different town Monday morning with Josette. Ask me to tell the story of me getting lost in the staircase, its better if I tell it in person, lol.
I'll always remember this trip for the rest of my life....check out my facebook pictures :)
Copenhagen was a lot of fun, and a GREAT way to spend Halloween. Highlights of the trip include walking around downtown Copenhagen with Viking hats, me getting lost in a staircase, not being able to find Tyler on Sunday, and ending up in a different town Monday morning with Josette. Ask me to tell the story of me getting lost in the staircase, its better if I tell it in person, lol.
I'll always remember this trip for the rest of my life....check out my facebook pictures :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
ready for a great weekend
School is back in session (already?), but my two classes seem to be a lot better than last segment. My Materials and Simulation professor is very helpful, and has a sense of humor (even though the material is kinda boring). I actually recognized my other Swedish professor when I walked in the room, because he was the one who gave us the funny/weird "inspirational speech" at the beginning of welcome week. He teaches "International and Intercultural Communication," which is perfect because I'm essentially learning about what I'm already doing here in Sweden...communicating with different cultures and breaking down the barrier that exists.
In class today, I realized that I was the only person from the United States in the lecture hall. Being surrounded by 100 or so students from all parts of the world was a unique experience. I represented the USA by being loud, obnoxious and clueless about other people's cultures! just kidding, lol. We also split up into groups of 8 or so, and got to know each other. In my group, we have people from India, China, Belgium, Netherlands, and 3 from Sweden.
Anyways, we leave for Copenhagen tomorrow morning at 9! Ready to celebrate halloween in style, as a viking! The trip isn't 100% planned, and we will plan as we go (the best way to do it, lol). Hej då!
In class today, I realized that I was the only person from the United States in the lecture hall. Being surrounded by 100 or so students from all parts of the world was a unique experience. I represented the USA by being loud, obnoxious and clueless about other people's cultures! just kidding, lol. We also split up into groups of 8 or so, and got to know each other. In my group, we have people from India, China, Belgium, Netherlands, and 3 from Sweden.
Anyways, we leave for Copenhagen tomorrow morning at 9! Ready to celebrate halloween in style, as a viking! The trip isn't 100% planned, and we will plan as we go (the best way to do it, lol). Hej då!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
1 week off!
Advantage of studying abroad in Sweden: 1 week off in-between segments! Exams are finally over with, and now I can party/do whatever I want for the next week and a half. Copenhagen is in 6 days, and is going to be an awesome way to celebrate Halloween!! Yesterday we went to the local mall, and bought viking hats/weapons at the kids toy store. Vikings in Copenhagen? Sounds like a great combination, lol. Also at the mall I bought a new shirt, which is still a "Marc" shirt, but just a lot better style and better fitting. Going back again today to see what else I can find.
Exams went okay.....Production Logistics took me 4 hours and 40 minutes to finish!! (there was a 5 hour window) Very long, and frustrating...I think every person in the class would agree that our professor was bad, and needs to get out of Sweden. To be optimistic: I know that every person who has done something good in this world has had a bad teacher/class along the way. So I gotta just keep going, and work harder. My Swedish exam went pretty well, after staying up until 3 in the morning studying for it. I actually learned a lot in 1 day, and can now speak basic Swedish sentences mediocrately (spelling?) well. My english is still pretty bad tho, because I just used the word "mediocrately" which I don't think is an English word.
Thursday night it "snowed" again, and in some accommodations outside the city (Raslatt, Villhamsro) there was light snow that stuck on the ground. By Delta in the city, the snow melted pretty much instantly. There should be at least 1cm of snow in Copenhagen, my guess.
Death mix! Last night Tyler introduced to us death mix, which is a bottle of vodka, two energy drinks, 7-up and Kool-Aid! Obviously no one from Europe knew what Kool-Aid was, but they liked it. We all drank from the big container of death, and played Kings, which is our new favorite drinking game (basically like ring of fire, with different rules). And yes, we keep going through phases with our drinking games. Then we went out to Centrum, the other bar. We are all getting to be really close, like a family. Not like a "Jersey Shore" type of family, but a normal one, lol. Our kitchen right now looks like theirs.....its what happens when the girls all go and visit their boyfriends. :)
Also during my break, I am planning a trip to Kiruna, which is a city up in north-north Sweden. I definetely want to rent snow-mobiles, dog-sled, and see the Northern Lights (which isn't guarranteed). Also, the famous Ice Hotel ( is nearby, but I'm not sure if it will be open yet. Options for getting there: 20+ hour train ride, or fly there, or fly....I'm leaning towards flying, for obvious reasons. lol
On the same subject of travelling, Visitors are welcome! I James Jarman mentioned that he may come with friends some friends and come visit after finals....which would be awesome. Also, my brother got a new job at a bank in Merritt Island, and said he may "stop by." If you ever wanted to see Sweden, then nows the time! (this is me convincing you to come, lol)
Final thought: should I get my hair cut before Copenhagen? I want it short now, but on the other hand, if I keep it long and grow my beard out, my Viking costume would be awesome! Thoughts on that? let me know
Exams went okay.....Production Logistics took me 4 hours and 40 minutes to finish!! (there was a 5 hour window) Very long, and frustrating...I think every person in the class would agree that our professor was bad, and needs to get out of Sweden. To be optimistic: I know that every person who has done something good in this world has had a bad teacher/class along the way. So I gotta just keep going, and work harder. My Swedish exam went pretty well, after staying up until 3 in the morning studying for it. I actually learned a lot in 1 day, and can now speak basic Swedish sentences mediocrately (spelling?) well. My english is still pretty bad tho, because I just used the word "mediocrately" which I don't think is an English word.
Thursday night it "snowed" again, and in some accommodations outside the city (Raslatt, Villhamsro) there was light snow that stuck on the ground. By Delta in the city, the snow melted pretty much instantly. There should be at least 1cm of snow in Copenhagen, my guess.
Death mix! Last night Tyler introduced to us death mix, which is a bottle of vodka, two energy drinks, 7-up and Kool-Aid! Obviously no one from Europe knew what Kool-Aid was, but they liked it. We all drank from the big container of death, and played Kings, which is our new favorite drinking game (basically like ring of fire, with different rules). And yes, we keep going through phases with our drinking games. Then we went out to Centrum, the other bar. We are all getting to be really close, like a family. Not like a "Jersey Shore" type of family, but a normal one, lol. Our kitchen right now looks like theirs.....its what happens when the girls all go and visit their boyfriends. :)
Also during my break, I am planning a trip to Kiruna, which is a city up in north-north Sweden. I definetely want to rent snow-mobiles, dog-sled, and see the Northern Lights (which isn't guarranteed). Also, the famous Ice Hotel ( is nearby, but I'm not sure if it will be open yet. Options for getting there: 20+ hour train ride, or fly there, or fly....I'm leaning towards flying, for obvious reasons. lol
On the same subject of travelling, Visitors are welcome! I James Jarman mentioned that he may come with friends some friends and come visit after finals....which would be awesome. Also, my brother got a new job at a bank in Merritt Island, and said he may "stop by." If you ever wanted to see Sweden, then nows the time! (this is me convincing you to come, lol)
Final thought: should I get my hair cut before Copenhagen? I want it short now, but on the other hand, if I keep it long and grow my beard out, my Viking costume would be awesome! Thoughts on that? let me know
Saturday, October 16, 2010
first snowfall
So last night at Akademien, it SNOWED!! Okay, it was just flurries and it melted in the morning.....but really Sweden? Already? Your autumn lasted about 2 weeks, lol. I'm actually ready for the snow, so bring it. Might as well see as much of it while I can, because back in Florida its hopeless.
Finals are approaching quickly, and for the next 5 days I need to be studying quite a bit. I still know as much Swedish as I did at the beginning (plus a couple of swear words, lol). Also, its been around 2 months that I've been in Europe! Time is going by faster now, and I blame it on studying and doing homework. For example, during welcome week time pretty much stood still, because of the craziness and the amount of activity going on. I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, and want the next 2 months to be twice as good as the first. (which it will)
Back to studying....Hello Production Logistics and Materials Management!
Finals are approaching quickly, and for the next 5 days I need to be studying quite a bit. I still know as much Swedish as I did at the beginning (plus a couple of swear words, lol). Also, its been around 2 months that I've been in Europe! Time is going by faster now, and I blame it on studying and doing homework. For example, during welcome week time pretty much stood still, because of the craziness and the amount of activity going on. I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, and want the next 2 months to be twice as good as the first. (which it will)
Back to studying....Hello Production Logistics and Materials Management!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Went for a walk around Jonkoping today with two of my friends...what a beautful time of year in Sweden! Leaves are changing colors, the sun was out, and we took some great pictures of the city and university (see fb). Actually there are rumors that we will get our first snowfall this saturday, which I hope is wrong because I'm not ready yet! This past saturday we went on a hike to a hilly/foresty area about 7 km away from the university, and was refreshing to see nature and be outdoors with good company. After the hike, we were given the option to walk home and see the Swedish countryside.....had nothing else to do, so why not? At first, it felt like we were lost, because we were by a lot of farms and pastures...but eventually we made our way back after a 2-hour journey. :) below are my favorite 2 pictures...

Copenhagen. I'm going there for Halloween weekend (Friday 10/29 to Monday 11/1) with about 16 other people. 5 people including myself are taking my friend Sebastian's car, which will be cheaper than taking a train. We just booked a hostel for 3 nights that has 14 beds to a room! I'm not sure what to expect from this trip, but I am excited because the people going are fun.
Copenhagen. I'm going there for Halloween weekend (Friday 10/29 to Monday 11/1) with about 16 other people. 5 people including myself are taking my friend Sebastian's car, which will be cheaper than taking a train. We just booked a hostel for 3 nights that has 14 beds to a room! I'm not sure what to expect from this trip, but I am excited because the people going are fun.
Tyler and I finally found barbeque sauce here in Sweden! We were both really happy, and made BBQ Pork with rice, and vegetables last week and it tasted great!(because it was American). Also, Taco Tuesday was bigger than usual last week: 12 people! I helped cook a little so I wouldn't have to clean afterwords, lol. We're doing it again tomorrow as well. I wonder what our next tradition will be.....maybe snowball fight sunday?? lol
Also, the end of Segment 1 is approaching, which means finals for me are in like 8 days! Time to actually study and learn Swedish. I like only taking 2 classes at a time for 10's much easier than trying to balance 4 or 5 classes for the whole semester. Sweden 1, America 0.
Congratulations to my good friend Jared Masucci for winning the title of Mr. UCF back home! You did amazing, and should try out for American Idol next year for sure. My fraternity also won first place in KD Shakedown last month, another great accomplishment! I'm proud of all my brothers in what they have done this year, and miss everyone. I am looking forward to meeting the new brothers as well. The best thing I can do now is wear my Beta shirt when I go on cool trips around Europe. Beta's going international! Forever in _Kai_.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
It's saturday mid-day, nothings really happening....time to write random stuff on my blog!
-I downloaded this music program called Spotify, and I'm not sure if many people in the US have heard about it. It's free, and you can take pretty much any song and add it to your library. You can connect it with facebook too. The only thing is that you only have a certain amount of minutes a month, but it's free music! I'm not endorsing it.....just sayin it's cool, lol.
-I would like to skype more with people that I haven't talked to in a while, so add me marc.buonanni (there's 3, so add the first one that comes up)
-I finished my lab report for my Production Logistics and Materials Mangement! About time! We added another Swedish person to my lab group, who helped tremendously ( I did most of the writing tho, because my english is "superb"). Also it was cool working in the lab about a week ago, because there was a very diverse group in the room. I heard many different languages all at once: Swedish, English, German, Spanish and French, maybe some was pretty cool to just stop and listen.
-Since I am Marky Mark, here is my inspiration lol
-Sometimes I feel like I don't know enough about what's happening in America. I met this cool guy from Iraq who kept saying stuff like "oh, did you hear about BLAH BLAH." Most of the time, I'd be like "Ohhh realllyyy?" It makes me think, should I start watching CNN more?
-Looking at what other people are wearing over here, I'm probably the least fashionable person (other than Tyler, who always wears Canada shirts, lol). Not that I really care, because I hate shopping and thinking about matching my belt with my shoes. But it makes me think, should I start buying some more fashionable clothes?
-Weather's getting chilly here, about 7 celcius (45 Fahrenheit). The fall is also very beautiful here, with different colored leaves scattered about the streets and parks. It reminds me of when I used to live in Pennsylvania...we used to rake up all the leaves into a big pile on our front yard, then jump into it from our big tree. Give it about a month, and we should be getting some snow!
-I downloaded this music program called Spotify, and I'm not sure if many people in the US have heard about it. It's free, and you can take pretty much any song and add it to your library. You can connect it with facebook too. The only thing is that you only have a certain amount of minutes a month, but it's free music! I'm not endorsing it.....just sayin it's cool, lol.
-I would like to skype more with people that I haven't talked to in a while, so add me marc.buonanni (there's 3, so add the first one that comes up)
-I finished my lab report for my Production Logistics and Materials Mangement! About time! We added another Swedish person to my lab group, who helped tremendously ( I did most of the writing tho, because my english is "superb"). Also it was cool working in the lab about a week ago, because there was a very diverse group in the room. I heard many different languages all at once: Swedish, English, German, Spanish and French, maybe some was pretty cool to just stop and listen.
-Since I am Marky Mark, here is my inspiration lol
-Sometimes I feel like I don't know enough about what's happening in America. I met this cool guy from Iraq who kept saying stuff like "oh, did you hear about BLAH BLAH." Most of the time, I'd be like "Ohhh realllyyy?" It makes me think, should I start watching CNN more?
-Looking at what other people are wearing over here, I'm probably the least fashionable person (other than Tyler, who always wears Canada shirts, lol). Not that I really care, because I hate shopping and thinking about matching my belt with my shoes. But it makes me think, should I start buying some more fashionable clothes?
-Weather's getting chilly here, about 7 celcius (45 Fahrenheit). The fall is also very beautiful here, with different colored leaves scattered about the streets and parks. It reminds me of when I used to live in Pennsylvania...we used to rake up all the leaves into a big pile on our front yard, then jump into it from our big tree. Give it about a month, and we should be getting some snow!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
hey all....its been a while since I've updated. I'm still adjusting my sleep schedule from last weekend at Oktoberfest. What an amazing weekend! The pictures came out great on fb. The day after I got back (tuesday), my roommates and I woke up at 4:30 to stand outside the student union to wait for tickets. What tickets you might ask?? Tickets for the Tallinn Sea Battle, which is 2-day party cruise with 3000 students from all over Scandinavia. I was first in line, after shivering for 3 hours outside in the cold with my friends, lol. The cruise includes a half day in Stockholm and a half day in Tallinn, Estonia. Okay, here's Oktoberfest highlights, in random order...
- Saturday was a full day at the legendary tents. We woke up early and waited outside in the pouring rain with umbrellas dripping on us for 45 minutes before we finally got in. There was a lot of anticipation, and a lot of pushing and shoving once the doors opened up. If it wasn't for the huge security guards yelling at the crowd in German, then there probably would have been a mini-riot.
- Beers were €10 a piece, and were a L in size. I had 4 on saturday, and was really drunk. Once the german band got on stage, the songs/chants/mayhem really started. Near the beginning, we had 4 young german dudes wearing Lederhosen sharing our table. We thought they were cool at first, but after they got wasted off of 1 beer, they turned into assholes (aka Deutschbags). They kept stomping everywhere, and even pushed off all the dishes on the table and tried to break it. We all looked at each other like "what the hell?!" Eventually they wandered away and were replaced by some Aussies and a couple of cool, old guys.
- Favorite German song to sing along to is "ein prosit"
- What surprised me the most was that Oktoberfest is a huge carnival. There are 8-10 huge beer tents, but outside of those there are all sorts of rides/rollercoasters/games/places to buy bratwursts (had a .5 meter one that was amazing!). I also went on the Olympic Rollercoaster with my aussie friend, which had 5 loops/olympic rings. Best rollercoaster ride ever.
-A group of Mexicans put together the trip, and drove the vans down. Sleeping was very uncomfortable in these vans, and probalby only slept 2 hours each way. Also, we got lost a couple of times, and had a van separate from the rest more than once. The only suggestion I had for this trip was that there was more organization, and more accountability for those who made us late for things. I like to be fast-paced and do everything, especially if I'm only there for 2 full days....the Mexican's kind of lolly-gagged a little bit. BUT that's my only criticism.
-Saturday night we just hung out in the tents, and came up with a new drinking game called "Wunderbeer." You basically just yell WUNDERBEER and tap people's mugs, and whoever you touch, they have to drink. Simple games are the best, in my opinion.
-German girls were really sexy in their lederhosen, but the majority of them did not speak good english, lol. My 2 years of German in high school wasn't enough, lol. Still fun to look at.
-The autobahn wasn't how I pictured it in my head. I thought it would be wider, with ferrari's and porsche's doing 250 km/hr. The road was just like I-95 with 3 lanes...with people driving a little faster than usual. Oh well, it was still pretty cool to be on it, and it's another thing to check off the list. :)
- This year was the 200th anniversary of Oktoberfest, but there were no signs or anything whatsoever saying that.....Tradition, I guess.
-Saturday was the only day that I went to the beer tents. I wanted an all-around trip, so when we got there mid-day friday, I went to see the BMW museum. The architecture for the BMW buildings was amazing, and there were a couple of cool things to see inside (it was another thing to check off the list, probably will never go back). Friday night we went on a beer challenge, which was basically a tour to many places to drink in the city...where we learned "ein prosit." Then on Sunday we went on a 3-hour walking tour of the city, and what a beautiful city it is. I'm glad my camera died after I took the cool pictures, and not before. :) I've seen two spectacular cities on my Eurotrip....Stockholm and Munich. What's next?
- Saturday was a full day at the legendary tents. We woke up early and waited outside in the pouring rain with umbrellas dripping on us for 45 minutes before we finally got in. There was a lot of anticipation, and a lot of pushing and shoving once the doors opened up. If it wasn't for the huge security guards yelling at the crowd in German, then there probably would have been a mini-riot.
- Beers were €10 a piece, and were a L in size. I had 4 on saturday, and was really drunk. Once the german band got on stage, the songs/chants/mayhem really started. Near the beginning, we had 4 young german dudes wearing Lederhosen sharing our table. We thought they were cool at first, but after they got wasted off of 1 beer, they turned into assholes (aka Deutschbags). They kept stomping everywhere, and even pushed off all the dishes on the table and tried to break it. We all looked at each other like "what the hell?!" Eventually they wandered away and were replaced by some Aussies and a couple of cool, old guys.
- Favorite German song to sing along to is "ein prosit"
- What surprised me the most was that Oktoberfest is a huge carnival. There are 8-10 huge beer tents, but outside of those there are all sorts of rides/rollercoasters/games/places to buy bratwursts (had a .5 meter one that was amazing!). I also went on the Olympic Rollercoaster with my aussie friend, which had 5 loops/olympic rings. Best rollercoaster ride ever.
-A group of Mexicans put together the trip, and drove the vans down. Sleeping was very uncomfortable in these vans, and probalby only slept 2 hours each way. Also, we got lost a couple of times, and had a van separate from the rest more than once. The only suggestion I had for this trip was that there was more organization, and more accountability for those who made us late for things. I like to be fast-paced and do everything, especially if I'm only there for 2 full days....the Mexican's kind of lolly-gagged a little bit. BUT that's my only criticism.
-Saturday night we just hung out in the tents, and came up with a new drinking game called "Wunderbeer." You basically just yell WUNDERBEER and tap people's mugs, and whoever you touch, they have to drink. Simple games are the best, in my opinion.
-German girls were really sexy in their lederhosen, but the majority of them did not speak good english, lol. My 2 years of German in high school wasn't enough, lol. Still fun to look at.
-The autobahn wasn't how I pictured it in my head. I thought it would be wider, with ferrari's and porsche's doing 250 km/hr. The road was just like I-95 with 3 lanes...with people driving a little faster than usual. Oh well, it was still pretty cool to be on it, and it's another thing to check off the list. :)
- This year was the 200th anniversary of Oktoberfest, but there were no signs or anything whatsoever saying that.....Tradition, I guess.
-Saturday was the only day that I went to the beer tents. I wanted an all-around trip, so when we got there mid-day friday, I went to see the BMW museum. The architecture for the BMW buildings was amazing, and there were a couple of cool things to see inside (it was another thing to check off the list, probably will never go back). Friday night we went on a beer challenge, which was basically a tour to many places to drink in the city...where we learned "ein prosit." Then on Sunday we went on a 3-hour walking tour of the city, and what a beautiful city it is. I'm glad my camera died after I took the cool pictures, and not before. :) I've seen two spectacular cities on my Eurotrip....Stockholm and Munich. What's next?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
soooo I went to the 6pm meeting today for the Oktoberfest trip, where we went over the "iterary" for the trip. Since only 29 people are going, it is going to be cheaper to rent 3 vans to take down to Munich instead of just one big bus. I like this idea because it gives us more flexibility if people want to go to diferent places when there. Also, talking with some of the Canadians going, its as if they were preparing for an olympic event or something, as if it would honor their country if they drank 7 litre beers in four hours, lol. I'm excited, the people going are a fun group, even if we are small. Also, on the way down there, we will drive on the Autobahn! I've always wanted to do this, and even though we'll probably only go 130 km/hr in the van, it will still be worth it. 16 hour trip total to Munich, including a ferry ride.
After eating 3 large burritos for Delta's "taco tuesday," I'm starting to feel fat, lazy and out of shape. (I'm really not, I just feel that way lol). So tomorrow I am going to take a spinning class, and lift weights at the gym 1 block away. It's not too expensive, only 350 SEK for 10 sessions, which is like $5 a session. I didn't come to Sweden to work out, so I'll confine my gym workouts to once a week. :)
This will be my last update until after the trip. Full day tomorrow, plus Akademien in the night. Followed by an 8 AM lab, followed by packing. Auf Wiedersehen!
After eating 3 large burritos for Delta's "taco tuesday," I'm starting to feel fat, lazy and out of shape. (I'm really not, I just feel that way lol). So tomorrow I am going to take a spinning class, and lift weights at the gym 1 block away. It's not too expensive, only 350 SEK for 10 sessions, which is like $5 a session. I didn't come to Sweden to work out, so I'll confine my gym workouts to once a week. :)
This will be my last update until after the trip. Full day tomorrow, plus Akademien in the night. Followed by an 8 AM lab, followed by packing. Auf Wiedersehen!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
mix of emotions
hey blog followers, lol. Its been a couple of days since I last updated, because it was a busy week. A quote from my canadian roomate Tyler...."my classes are getting in the way of my vacation" is kind of how I feel about the shitty classes that I currently have to sit through every week. My swedish class isn't that bad, but there is now the culture and society part of the class that started, which equates to ANOTHER 8 AM lecture during the week. I couldn't think of a better way to start my day than to listen about Swedish Immigration policy during the 20th century!! I want to learn the interesting/cool things about Sweden, not about history. Okay, maybe like 10% history, 90% useful/cool things about Sweden. Also, on a side note: the exchange rate between the SEK and US dollar is at an all-time low right now. Yesterday, we received our invoices for 2.5 months rent. Coincidence? I think not....
Today is my brothers' 24th birthday, so I would like to wish him a happy birthday. Wish I could be there to celebrate it with him. :(
....On Thursday, I met up with my Swedish contact person, and she cooked a typical Swedish dinner for me. Her names Madeleine, and she made boiled potatoes, meatballs, home-made bread, Skärgårdsill, Inlagdsill, and a special white sauce that she made (sour cream with chives plus some herb salt). The two fancy words ending in "sill" are Herring fish, and come in different varieties. The Skärgårdsill (dont ask me how to pronounce it, lol) is Archipelago Herring, and the "Inlagsill" is pickled herrring. It sounded weird, but I ate it, and it was delicious! Afterwords, 3 of her good-looking friends came over, and we drank a little bit. They went to an expensive night-club around like 11:30ish, and I went back to Delta bc I had a 8 AM class the next day.
Friday night, after warming up with beer pong, we went to a night club called Centrum. This was my first club outside of Akademien, and was a pretty cool place. The music was LOUD, and the light effects were pretty cool. The girls were okay. It was a good night, and a good start to the weekend. I was invited by Madeleine to a harvest festival this sunday in Visingsö, which is an island in Jönköping. I may go to it, depending on how much $$ it costs.
So....I'm angry at the exchange rate, and with both of my classes....I'm sad that I can't be there for my bro's bday, and happy/joyous about everything else. :) 5 days until Oktoberfest!!!!
Today is my brothers' 24th birthday, so I would like to wish him a happy birthday. Wish I could be there to celebrate it with him. :(
....On Thursday, I met up with my Swedish contact person, and she cooked a typical Swedish dinner for me. Her names Madeleine, and she made boiled potatoes, meatballs, home-made bread, Skärgårdsill, Inlagdsill, and a special white sauce that she made (sour cream with chives plus some herb salt). The two fancy words ending in "sill" are Herring fish, and come in different varieties. The Skärgårdsill (dont ask me how to pronounce it, lol) is Archipelago Herring, and the "Inlagsill" is pickled herrring. It sounded weird, but I ate it, and it was delicious! Afterwords, 3 of her good-looking friends came over, and we drank a little bit. They went to an expensive night-club around like 11:30ish, and I went back to Delta bc I had a 8 AM class the next day.
Friday night, after warming up with beer pong, we went to a night club called Centrum. This was my first club outside of Akademien, and was a pretty cool place. The music was LOUD, and the light effects were pretty cool. The girls were okay. It was a good night, and a good start to the weekend. I was invited by Madeleine to a harvest festival this sunday in Visingsö, which is an island in Jönköping. I may go to it, depending on how much $$ it costs.
So....I'm angry at the exchange rate, and with both of my classes....I'm sad that I can't be there for my bro's bday, and happy/joyous about everything else. :) 5 days until Oktoberfest!!!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
gettin cold
Last night it was 9 degrees celsius outside (48 degrees American), and I can definetely feel the transition to colder weather here in Sweden. I can handle it for now, but me being a thin-blooded Floridian, it's only a matter of time before I wear two pairs of pants to schoool, lol. Also, last night the street was literally empty with people. Swedes do not go out on all.
The forest party last saturday was fun, and there was a great turnout (40-50 people). It took a while for the party to get started, because my fire making abilities are very limited (see fb pictures). Once we got the fire going, we could actually see each other and the party started. We roasted hotdogs and marshmallows, then the Spanish guys jumped the fire.....Honestly tho, after about 2.5 hours, it was getting kinda boring (no music)....and we called it a night, and took the 20 min bus ride home.
On sunday, we went to see Jonkoping's championship hockey team (HV-71) play an exhibition match. There weren't any big fights or bloody noses, so it wasn't as good as Canadian hockey, but it was still worthwhile seeing and going with friends. And getting free stuff :)
My Italian roommate Chiara is teaching me to speak a little Itanliano. I just want to be able to say a couple of things, not speak the language fluently. Same with Swedish....I just want to be able to call a person something, and say hi/bye. Maybe have a first grade conversation. Swedish class is going okay, but it feels like we're learning random things here and there....and its difficult to learn the goofy Swedish language. My other engineering class is pretty bad as Chinese professor who doesn't speak english and reads from the slides is a guaranteed winner of Sweden's Worst Teacher Award 2010.
But I'm not letting that get in the way of my experience here. Also...can't wait for the care package my parents sent! There's no Mac'n'Cheese here in Sweden!! lol
The forest party last saturday was fun, and there was a great turnout (40-50 people). It took a while for the party to get started, because my fire making abilities are very limited (see fb pictures). Once we got the fire going, we could actually see each other and the party started. We roasted hotdogs and marshmallows, then the Spanish guys jumped the fire.....Honestly tho, after about 2.5 hours, it was getting kinda boring (no music)....and we called it a night, and took the 20 min bus ride home.
On sunday, we went to see Jonkoping's championship hockey team (HV-71) play an exhibition match. There weren't any big fights or bloody noses, so it wasn't as good as Canadian hockey, but it was still worthwhile seeing and going with friends. And getting free stuff :)
My Italian roommate Chiara is teaching me to speak a little Itanliano. I just want to be able to say a couple of things, not speak the language fluently. Same with Swedish....I just want to be able to call a person something, and say hi/bye. Maybe have a first grade conversation. Swedish class is going okay, but it feels like we're learning random things here and there....and its difficult to learn the goofy Swedish language. My other engineering class is pretty bad as Chinese professor who doesn't speak english and reads from the slides is a guaranteed winner of Sweden's Worst Teacher Award 2010.
But I'm not letting that get in the way of my experience here. Also...can't wait for the care package my parents sent! There's no Mac'n'Cheese here in Sweden!! lol
Friday, September 10, 2010
1 month anniversary
"This is the true story, of 12 strangers, picked to live in a floor in Delta House...go to school together and have their lives photographed find out what happens, when people stop caring about their own country, and start getting real....The real world: Sweden!!"
I figured that fit with the theme of the blog, and also because I'm living my own real world experience, knowing zero people about a month ago. Which reminds is the 1 month anniversary of being in Europe! It was August 11th that I bid farwell to the States with my father and took a 7 hour flight to Europe. This has been the longest, and most fun (grammer?)month of my life. It's sad being away from friends and family, but at the same time I know they understand that its definetely worth being over here....and that I shall return soon.
I'll celebrate tonight at the "Forest Party" in a nearby place called Raslatt. The idea for the party was my idea, after talking to an Australian girl who mentioned that in Raslatt, there was a lot of forests nearby. I was like "hey, we should have an outdoor party, have a fire, drink some alcohol, and maybe make s'mores." She liked the idea and we made a private facebook event (so the landlords won't find out). So far there's 31 attending.....I'm hoping it doesn't rain.
Also, there are now 12 people living on my floor, after a guy named Luigi moved in (It's easy to guess where he's from, lol). Its been fun living with my roommates so far, minus sharing a kitchen with 12 people. The wide range of personalities makes it interesting, and I am happy to be known as Marky Mark, and my roommates are the Funky Bunch. lol
SPORTS: I've played volleyball two nights this week, and has been fun minus the balls leaving red marks on my forearms. I also played a Swedish sport called Innebandy, which is basically like playing floor hockey with a wiffleball....trying to score into a really small goal. After playing for 2 hours, I was completely drained. In this sport, you are constantly starting and stopping. It's a lot of fun, but exhausting.
Finally...Oktoberfest is officially going to happen, and bought my ticket this week for 3000 SEK, or 300 Euros, or 400ish US dollars. This includes a bus ride to and from Munich, two nights at a campsite, a 3 day unlimited metro card, museum discounts (yea....maybe), and a Beer Challenge tour. Two weeks away!!
I figured that fit with the theme of the blog, and also because I'm living my own real world experience, knowing zero people about a month ago. Which reminds is the 1 month anniversary of being in Europe! It was August 11th that I bid farwell to the States with my father and took a 7 hour flight to Europe. This has been the longest, and most fun (grammer?)month of my life. It's sad being away from friends and family, but at the same time I know they understand that its definetely worth being over here....and that I shall return soon.
I'll celebrate tonight at the "Forest Party" in a nearby place called Raslatt. The idea for the party was my idea, after talking to an Australian girl who mentioned that in Raslatt, there was a lot of forests nearby. I was like "hey, we should have an outdoor party, have a fire, drink some alcohol, and maybe make s'mores." She liked the idea and we made a private facebook event (so the landlords won't find out). So far there's 31 attending.....I'm hoping it doesn't rain.
Also, there are now 12 people living on my floor, after a guy named Luigi moved in (It's easy to guess where he's from, lol). Its been fun living with my roommates so far, minus sharing a kitchen with 12 people. The wide range of personalities makes it interesting, and I am happy to be known as Marky Mark, and my roommates are the Funky Bunch. lol
SPORTS: I've played volleyball two nights this week, and has been fun minus the balls leaving red marks on my forearms. I also played a Swedish sport called Innebandy, which is basically like playing floor hockey with a wiffleball....trying to score into a really small goal. After playing for 2 hours, I was completely drained. In this sport, you are constantly starting and stopping. It's a lot of fun, but exhausting.
Finally...Oktoberfest is officially going to happen, and bought my ticket this week for 3000 SEK, or 300 Euros, or 400ish US dollars. This includes a bus ride to and from Munich, two nights at a campsite, a 3 day unlimited metro card, museum discounts (yea....maybe), and a Beer Challenge tour. Two weeks away!!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Saturday night, we left the mexican party and saw the movie "The Kids are Alright," at the Jönköping Film Festival.... which is a movie about a lesbian family that meets their sperm-donor father. It was a pretty funny movie with good acting, and not my typical movie that I would go out on a saturday night and see, lol. The group that I was with made it fun, also.
I love this picture because it shows how frantic it was in the freezing cold water! As you can see, I was the fastest swimmer and leaped out of the water as if being chased by a shark, lol.
A good group photo of most of the engineering exchange students....taken the evening where we did a "pub crawl" during welcome week. We went to 3 different bars/pubs around the city, then went out to Akademien.
Here are my top 3 pictures from the experience so far....

Saturday, September 4, 2010
jumped in lake
so I just went for a run around the lake again with my french roommate (short, fast, very ninja-like) lol......and then afterwards we jumped in the lake from the docks. The water didn't feel as numbingly cold like last time, and felt very refreshing. Tonight I am going to a "mexican party" and then going to see a film at the Jonkoping film festival with a group of friends (not sure what its about yet). So it should be another fun night out. No more Akademien for a while.
I forgot to mention in the previous post that I now have a "contact person," which was set up by the student union. There was a mingle before the welcome dinner last wednesday night, and it was revealed to me that my contact person was a swedish girl, 27, with red hair (not your typical swedish girl). So she's supposed to help me out if I need anything, etc. I told her that we should do some authentic Swedish cooking sometime, and she agreed. :)
Now that welcome week is over, it is up to us to meet new people and plan trips, etc. I'm thinking about taking a trip to see Oktoberfest in Munich. This year, they celebrate the 200th anniversary of the festival, so I'm sure its going to be a shitshow aka "a really great time." My goal is to get a lot of ppl to go, because theres already a student organization that set up the trip, we just need to buy the tickets......
I forgot to mention in the previous post that I now have a "contact person," which was set up by the student union. There was a mingle before the welcome dinner last wednesday night, and it was revealed to me that my contact person was a swedish girl, 27, with red hair (not your typical swedish girl). So she's supposed to help me out if I need anything, etc. I told her that we should do some authentic Swedish cooking sometime, and she agreed. :)
Now that welcome week is over, it is up to us to meet new people and plan trips, etc. I'm thinking about taking a trip to see Oktoberfest in Munich. This year, they celebrate the 200th anniversary of the festival, so I'm sure its going to be a shitshow aka "a really great time." My goal is to get a lot of ppl to go, because theres already a student organization that set up the trip, we just need to buy the tickets......
Thursday, September 2, 2010
last day of welcome week
today is the last day of welcome week. :( its been a blast though, and have no regrets with this week. Boring stuff research thing won't be starting for another week or two, so that gives me some extra freedom. My production logistics class is LAME, and will probably not waste any more time/space on this blog to talk about it.
Fun stuff: tuesday night we had a party at the park, and each group had their own theme....ours was pirates lol. We had to impress HI-LIFE, which are basically the cool kids who party a lot, have "the best sex in the world", and host many of the events that we do. So the night was full of doing random, stupid things that were pretty fun (like doing the Macerena, making a human pyramid, singing swedish songs, etc)
Last night we had our official welcome dinner. Everyone got dressed up and we went to this really nice Greek Restaurant with an all you can eat buffet. After eating about 2000 calories, we went to Akademien, and danced off the calories, lol. Which reminds me, I need to work out more! I've only ran twice since I've been here......need to avoid freshman fifteen and get my ass into shape.
Fun stuff: tuesday night we had a party at the park, and each group had their own theme....ours was pirates lol. We had to impress HI-LIFE, which are basically the cool kids who party a lot, have "the best sex in the world", and host many of the events that we do. So the night was full of doing random, stupid things that were pretty fun (like doing the Macerena, making a human pyramid, singing swedish songs, etc)
Last night we had our official welcome dinner. Everyone got dressed up and we went to this really nice Greek Restaurant with an all you can eat buffet. After eating about 2000 calories, we went to Akademien, and danced off the calories, lol. Which reminds me, I need to work out more! I've only ran twice since I've been here......need to avoid freshman fifteen and get my ass into shape.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
great weekend, ready for the next week
this weekend was great....scandinavia's largest pool party on friday and Akademien on saturday night. The pool party was awesome, and there was a relay race among schools to start the party off. After that, we partied non-stop until 11 where there was a fireworks finale. It was fun inside dancing and splashing water on people. There were too many people in the hot tub..... that water was dirtier than UCF's spirit splash, lol.
Saturday kinda got rained out, and we were going to play a game called Brannboll. Instead, we went over to one of our "Fadder's" apartments and had a mini party where we played an interesting drinking game. The game was pretty much like BS, with a couple of variations. After the 4th night of Akademien, I'm ready to shift focus into something else for the next couple of days, mainly setting up my classes and trying to figure out the research opportunity that I might have. Goodnight!
Saturday kinda got rained out, and we were going to play a game called Brannboll. Instead, we went over to one of our "Fadder's" apartments and had a mini party where we played an interesting drinking game. The game was pretty much like BS, with a couple of variations. After the 4th night of Akademien, I'm ready to shift focus into something else for the next couple of days, mainly setting up my classes and trying to figure out the research opportunity that I might have. Goodnight!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Class today
I had my Production Logistics and Materials Management class this morning at 8am, and yes, it was just as boring as that sounded. We have a chinese professor that speaks really crappy English, and read from powerpoint slides the whole period.....what the hell!?! I can learn a lot in this class, but it will all be OUTSIDE the class room, with a study group or something.
Tonight there is a pool party. Not just any pool party, but the biggest pool party in Scandinavia......over a thousand people will be there. Can't wait!!
Tonight there is a pool party. Not just any pool party, but the biggest pool party in Scandinavia......over a thousand people will be there. Can't wait!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
welcome week
welcome week has been a blast so far, with fun stuff going on everyday and every night. It started off monday in the morning, where all the engineering exchange students were in a big room. We met our "Fadders" which were our father figures for the week, who would show us an awesome time, as well as some other nice ladys that will help out on the academic side. Judging from everyones body language in the room, they were all a little bit nervous/anxious about getting this thing going. Everyone is in the same shoes, which put me at ease.
A highlight would be the yellow overall ceremony, which is a tradition at Jonkoping University. Every school has their own color, and their own way of doing things. For us, we headed to the park to have a friendly competition. When we walked there, we saw a bunch of naked people laying on the ground, with their clothes in a straight line. The goal was to make the longest line, with whatever you had on. For me, I got down to my boxers and that was enough. The other activites involved taking a bath in the lake, making a model of the university campus with whatever we could find on the beach, laying down in the grass in a line, and rolling over each other, and finally...going down a slip and slide on a hill into the mud. My yellow overalls got muddy as hell....but its tradition to never wash your overalls, lol.
Swedish night life is pretty amazing, and the city definetely comes alive at night. Last night, we went on a "pub crawl" to 3 different places around the city, which was fun. After that we went to Akademien, which is the student run nightclub for the University. Theres two dancefloors, and a louge upstairs...the beers are pretty cheap too, only 35 SEK, which is about 5 US dollars. I left Akademien around midnight, and then went out to a place called O'leary's with my roommates. After tearing up the dance floor, I called it a night around 2:30. I've never danced that much or had so much fun in a night club before, and the best part was that I wasn't even drunk, lol.
Yestecday, I woke up and my voice was gone, I could barely even talk. I even had class that morning too, and we had to introduce ourselves to the class in Swedish. So when it was my turn, I stood up ( the first one to do that, after I stood up, everyone else followed lol), and tried my best to talk....wasn't too embarrasing lol.
There's also been like zero free time, so this morning it was nice to sleep in and relax. Also if you havent added me on skype its marc.buonanni :)
A highlight would be the yellow overall ceremony, which is a tradition at Jonkoping University. Every school has their own color, and their own way of doing things. For us, we headed to the park to have a friendly competition. When we walked there, we saw a bunch of naked people laying on the ground, with their clothes in a straight line. The goal was to make the longest line, with whatever you had on. For me, I got down to my boxers and that was enough. The other activites involved taking a bath in the lake, making a model of the university campus with whatever we could find on the beach, laying down in the grass in a line, and rolling over each other, and finally...going down a slip and slide on a hill into the mud. My yellow overalls got muddy as hell....but its tradition to never wash your overalls, lol.
Swedish night life is pretty amazing, and the city definetely comes alive at night. Last night, we went on a "pub crawl" to 3 different places around the city, which was fun. After that we went to Akademien, which is the student run nightclub for the University. Theres two dancefloors, and a louge upstairs...the beers are pretty cheap too, only 35 SEK, which is about 5 US dollars. I left Akademien around midnight, and then went out to a place called O'leary's with my roommates. After tearing up the dance floor, I called it a night around 2:30. I've never danced that much or had so much fun in a night club before, and the best part was that I wasn't even drunk, lol.
Yestecday, I woke up and my voice was gone, I could barely even talk. I even had class that morning too, and we had to introduce ourselves to the class in Swedish. So when it was my turn, I stood up ( the first one to do that, after I stood up, everyone else followed lol), and tried my best to talk....wasn't too embarrasing lol.
There's also been like zero free time, so this morning it was nice to sleep in and relax. Also if you havent added me on skype its marc.buonanni :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
first weekend
so for the past day or two I've been meeting my new roomates, and its been a hell of a lot of fun. We're a very diverse group, with students from Germany, Spain, France, Canada, Italy, Slovenia, Holland, and two from Netherlands. The first night we just hung out in our common area, and got to know each other. Last night, after the "party" up in the 3rd floor died down, we walked around the city for a little bit, then decided to go to the club right below us. It was an interesting crowd and fun....but at the same time it was like watching our parents make out in a club, so we left pretty quickly.
I also met a swedish engineering guy who jokes about every exchange student and where they're from....for the United States, he joked about americans being stupid/dumb, that we just care about ourselves and not other countries....and that he hated bush (which isn't too surprising). As for the beef on Sweden, supposedly they have the highest suicide rate in the world. (I said prob cause of the weather, lol...)
Also, a big hit and conversation starter has been this stupid game where you get zapped. They left it behind from last semester, and it looks like 4 metal handles attached in a circle. After creepy music plays for like a minute, the person who reacts the slowest gets zapped. It's pretty hilarious watching people try it for the first time and see their reactions.
Anways, tomorrow is "Welcome Week," which is basically a week of partying an no I can't wait! Tomorow at 10am the madness begins...
I also met a swedish engineering guy who jokes about every exchange student and where they're from....for the United States, he joked about americans being stupid/dumb, that we just care about ourselves and not other countries....and that he hated bush (which isn't too surprising). As for the beef on Sweden, supposedly they have the highest suicide rate in the world. (I said prob cause of the weather, lol...)
Also, a big hit and conversation starter has been this stupid game where you get zapped. They left it behind from last semester, and it looks like 4 metal handles attached in a circle. After creepy music plays for like a minute, the person who reacts the slowest gets zapped. It's pretty hilarious watching people try it for the first time and see their reactions.
Anways, tomorrow is "Welcome Week," which is basically a week of partying an no I can't wait! Tomorow at 10am the madness begins...
Friday, August 20, 2010
Finally in Sweden
Well I'm finally at my apartment in Jonkoping, which is overlooking the main street. I'm right in the middle of it all, and a 5 minute walk to just about anywhere in the city. I'm right above a club called "the velvet louge," and from what I've been told gets pretty loud at night. The building was pretty much empty last night, and was kinda creepy at night, like out of a horror movie. Luckily I knew a swedish girl Maria (friend of a friend of a friend) who showed me the city last night. We walked around for a while, and had a lot of fun just talking about everything and anything. It was nice to finally make a good connection, because when I left my dad at the train station, I felt kinda lonely. I also just met a guy in my hall from Germany, named Borris, who seemed pretty cool.
Now the hard part will be actually living here: doing laundry with buttons in swedish, and cooking stuff from the grocery store, with everything also in swedish. My laundry was taking forever in the wash (over an hour and a half), so I said screw it, opened it up, and water came gushing out. Looks like I'm going to have to run the dryer for a little bit longer, lol
Now the hard part will be actually living here: doing laundry with buttons in swedish, and cooking stuff from the grocery store, with everything also in swedish. My laundry was taking forever in the wash (over an hour and a half), so I said screw it, opened it up, and water came gushing out. Looks like I'm going to have to run the dryer for a little bit longer, lol
Recap of Trip
The Midnightsloppet 10K run was soo cool. There were 21,000 runners, which is close to that of the Boston Marathon, and we all wore bright yellow neon shirts. Right before the start, the long street was crammed with runners as far as the eye could see.....They also played some dance music to warm us up, and even taught us a dance, which was tough because there was no room to move....The race itself was very hilly, and allowed us to see stockholm in a unique way, with thousands of fans cheering us on along the way. :)
The next big highlight was Glacier hiking in the Fjords of Norway. When we first pulled up, we couldn't believe our eyes....hiking on it was a little difficult at first, but once we learned how to use our ice spikes and our ice pick, it wasn't that bad. A couple times we were pretty close to a steep crevace, with one wrong step leading to something really really bad. It made me wonder, how is this even legal? We almost missed the bus coming back...luckily a very nice family from Holland drove us back in time to catch it.
Other cool stuff:
-The Flam railway was cool, it dropped 3000 meters in just 45 minutes, which led us to our hostel that we stayed at for 2 nights. When we first arrived at the hostel, there were two beds already taken, and judging by the feminin looking clothes and small bags, we figured we had two girls in our room.....however, when we got back from dinner we saw that it was a tiny kid from South Korea and a guy from Italy...haha whoops
-I got zapped by a barbed wire fence on our hike to a waterfall in Flam. My dad touched it, and nothing happened. but when I touch it....ZZZZZAAP. It hurt like hell, and it made my dad laugh histerically.
-We went through the worlds longest car tunnel, 24.5 km
-On a train ride, I saw some young swedish girls trying to sing the lyrics to Lady GaGa, and failing miserably.....made me laugh, lol
-We met people from all around the world on our trip, from Switzerland, Chile, China, Italy, UK, Danish, and Germany.
The next big highlight was Glacier hiking in the Fjords of Norway. When we first pulled up, we couldn't believe our eyes....hiking on it was a little difficult at first, but once we learned how to use our ice spikes and our ice pick, it wasn't that bad. A couple times we were pretty close to a steep crevace, with one wrong step leading to something really really bad. It made me wonder, how is this even legal? We almost missed the bus coming back...luckily a very nice family from Holland drove us back in time to catch it.
Other cool stuff:
-The Flam railway was cool, it dropped 3000 meters in just 45 minutes, which led us to our hostel that we stayed at for 2 nights. When we first arrived at the hostel, there were two beds already taken, and judging by the feminin looking clothes and small bags, we figured we had two girls in our room.....however, when we got back from dinner we saw that it was a tiny kid from South Korea and a guy from Italy...haha whoops
-I got zapped by a barbed wire fence on our hike to a waterfall in Flam. My dad touched it, and nothing happened. but when I touch it....ZZZZZAAP. It hurt like hell, and it made my dad laugh histerically.
-We went through the worlds longest car tunnel, 24.5 km
-On a train ride, I saw some young swedish girls trying to sing the lyrics to Lady GaGa, and failing miserably.....made me laugh, lol
-We met people from all around the world on our trip, from Switzerland, Chile, China, Italy, UK, Danish, and Germany.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
update from AF Chapman
Trip so far is goin great! I finally found a free computer at the hostel we're staying at now in Stockholm. Its basically an old ship that sailed around the world, that they converted into a hostel. Pretty sweet looking!
My trip started off this last wednesday, where we flew to the Philadelphia airport. My dad and I talked to a pretty cool girl from Germany while waiting for our flight. She was pretty cute, and communicated differently than American girls.
We didn't really sleep much on the 7 hour flight to Frankfurt Germany, and by the time we got there, it was midnight back home. As you may know, I am not one to fall asleep before midnight. When we got off the flight, we talked to the german girl again, and right before we spit ways, she gave the name of a website to check out, and also wrote her name down for me to look her up on facebook :) .....I probably won't see her again, but a sign of good things to come, lol.
After a quick flight to Copenhagen, we took a train ride to Jönköping. However, our train broke down! This never happens in Europe, and I felt like I won the lottery or something (except the prize is a 3 hour delay after a looong flight). Our hotel in Jönköping was small but functional, and had bath towels the size of a welcome mat. Later in the evening, I went for a run with my shirt off, and quickly discovered that most Swedes run with their shirt on. I realized this after all the weird looks I was getting. At first I thought it was bc of my six-pack...guess not. We went to bed early, feelin the 6 hour difference and slept that night for at least 12 hours.
Day 2 - Stockholm
Stockholm is a beautiful city....very big buildings and very open. We checked into our ship hostel, aka the "AF Chapman" and walked a 1/2 mile to the city. There was a HUGE festival going on last night. We had swedish meatballs at a place called Pickwicks on the crowded Drottninggatans street, and I got drunk off of 2 very strong beers. There were 3 enourmous concerts going on that night all at once- one for high school kids, one for those who wanted to dance to spanish music, and one for those who liked hip-hop/techno music. I'd say the 3rd one was the best, and heard a band called the White Pony from Copenhagen that was my favorite.
Day 3- today
Woke up around 9ish, then walked around old Stockholm. We checked out the Armour Museum, which was "ehh". I almost got kicked out after touching an old carriage. I don't know why I decided to reach over and touch it, but when I did a loud-ass alarm went off and a museum worker all dressed up scurried down to see what happened. After that drama, we saw the daily Passing of the Guard Ceremony. It was basically a Swedish marching band on horses, combined with a little bit of marching. They do this every day in the middle of the Royal Palace (where the king and queen used to live). There was a lot of tourists there, and also just in general in the city of Stockholm.
Midnightsloppen race tonight!
My trip started off this last wednesday, where we flew to the Philadelphia airport. My dad and I talked to a pretty cool girl from Germany while waiting for our flight. She was pretty cute, and communicated differently than American girls.
We didn't really sleep much on the 7 hour flight to Frankfurt Germany, and by the time we got there, it was midnight back home. As you may know, I am not one to fall asleep before midnight. When we got off the flight, we talked to the german girl again, and right before we spit ways, she gave the name of a website to check out, and also wrote her name down for me to look her up on facebook :) .....I probably won't see her again, but a sign of good things to come, lol.
After a quick flight to Copenhagen, we took a train ride to Jönköping. However, our train broke down! This never happens in Europe, and I felt like I won the lottery or something (except the prize is a 3 hour delay after a looong flight). Our hotel in Jönköping was small but functional, and had bath towels the size of a welcome mat. Later in the evening, I went for a run with my shirt off, and quickly discovered that most Swedes run with their shirt on. I realized this after all the weird looks I was getting. At first I thought it was bc of my six-pack...guess not. We went to bed early, feelin the 6 hour difference and slept that night for at least 12 hours.
Day 2 - Stockholm
Stockholm is a beautiful city....very big buildings and very open. We checked into our ship hostel, aka the "AF Chapman" and walked a 1/2 mile to the city. There was a HUGE festival going on last night. We had swedish meatballs at a place called Pickwicks on the crowded Drottninggatans street, and I got drunk off of 2 very strong beers. There were 3 enourmous concerts going on that night all at once- one for high school kids, one for those who wanted to dance to spanish music, and one for those who liked hip-hop/techno music. I'd say the 3rd one was the best, and heard a band called the White Pony from Copenhagen that was my favorite.
Day 3- today
Woke up around 9ish, then walked around old Stockholm. We checked out the Armour Museum, which was "ehh". I almost got kicked out after touching an old carriage. I don't know why I decided to reach over and touch it, but when I did a loud-ass alarm went off and a museum worker all dressed up scurried down to see what happened. After that drama, we saw the daily Passing of the Guard Ceremony. It was basically a Swedish marching band on horses, combined with a little bit of marching. They do this every day in the middle of the Royal Palace (where the king and queen used to live). There was a lot of tourists there, and also just in general in the city of Stockholm.
Midnightsloppen race tonight!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
leaving America!
goodbye USA, hello sweden...
I can't believe today is finally here, after waiting and telling people about it for over a year! I'm about to head off to the airport: feeling excited, anxious, and excited. Gotta go---bye!!
I can't believe today is finally here, after waiting and telling people about it for over a year! I'm about to head off to the airport: feeling excited, anxious, and excited. Gotta go---bye!!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Finally setting in
Thanks to everyone who came out last night! I loved the swedish fish cake - shout out to jordan bledsoe aka 'mom'. The thought of leaving for an entire semester is finally setting in, and couldn't even sleep last night. I'm very anxious, but excited at the same time.
Here's a quick summary of what my Father and I will do the first week: leave Wed, get to Jonkoping on thursday. Friday and Saturday will be in Stockholm, and the 10K race (see below). Sunday we're traveling to the beautiful fjords of Norway, where we'll stay a couple of days, then I head back to Jonkoping for welcome week!
I'll be using skype a lot while I'm over there, so add me at marc.buonanni if you want to chat. And I'll be updating this with epic and hilarious stories, lol. Pictures too.
Here's a quick summary of what my Father and I will do the first week: leave Wed, get to Jonkoping on thursday. Friday and Saturday will be in Stockholm, and the 10K race (see below). Sunday we're traveling to the beautiful fjords of Norway, where we'll stay a couple of days, then I head back to Jonkoping for welcome week!
I'll be using skype a lot while I'm over there, so add me at marc.buonanni if you want to chat. And I'll be updating this with epic and hilarious stories, lol. Pictures too.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
First Post
Check out this really tacky, but interesting video. It's called Midnattsloppet (midnight run), that my Dad and I are going to do while in Stockholm. Prediction: my dad is the guy at 1:55 in the video.
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