As I write this, 2 friends from back home - James Jarman and Victor- are almost here to visit me in Jonkoping. Should be a fun time, and I am very excited at showing someone from back home "my" city. I am done with my finals, but still have 2 small assignments to turn in. But basically, I am free from school now. I just get to experience the last couple of days the way I want - no school. I am thinking about going snowboarding this friday at a "mountain" within an hour drive from here. Yes, snowboarding....the hill isn't very steep, so this will be a good opportunity to learn it - can't be more difficult than wakeboarding.
The sidewalks here are frozen solid. This happened because the temperature went above 0 and the snow melted, then the next day went back below and froze. Its very difficult to walk on them, and I have witnessed one person falling - hilarious! lol
Last sunday, I went to my contact person Madde's house and made Lussebullar, which is typical for Swedish people to eat this time of year. It was fun hanging out, talking about the semester, and playing Swedish games, such as laying out a bunch of raisins on the table, and guessing which one the other person was thinking of. lol yea, Swedish people can be weird. We also drank the alcoholic version of Glögg, which was strong and overpowering. They only drink Glögg during the holidays.
The next couple of days will be full of goodbyes, because I come home in 6 days. :(
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