Advantage of studying abroad in Sweden: 1 week off in-between segments! Exams are finally over with, and now I can party/do whatever I want for the next week and a half. Copenhagen is in 6 days, and is going to be an awesome way to celebrate Halloween!! Yesterday we went to the local mall, and bought viking hats/weapons at the kids toy store. Vikings in Copenhagen? Sounds like a great combination, lol. Also at the mall I bought a new shirt, which is still a "Marc" shirt, but just a lot better style and better fitting. Going back again today to see what else I can find.
Exams went okay.....Production Logistics took me 4 hours and 40 minutes to finish!! (there was a 5 hour window) Very long, and frustrating...I think every person in the class would agree that our professor was bad, and needs to get out of Sweden. To be optimistic: I know that every person who has done something good in this world has had a bad teacher/class along the way. So I gotta just keep going, and work harder. My Swedish exam went pretty well, after staying up until 3 in the morning studying for it. I actually learned a lot in 1 day, and can now speak basic Swedish sentences mediocrately (spelling?) well. My english is still pretty bad tho, because I just used the word "mediocrately" which I don't think is an English word.
Thursday night it "snowed" again, and in some accommodations outside the city (Raslatt, Villhamsro) there was light snow that stuck on the ground. By Delta in the city, the snow melted pretty much instantly. There should be at least 1cm of snow in Copenhagen, my guess.
Death mix! Last night Tyler introduced to us death mix, which is a bottle of vodka, two energy drinks, 7-up and Kool-Aid! Obviously no one from Europe knew what Kool-Aid was, but they liked it. We all drank from the big container of death, and played Kings, which is our new favorite drinking game (basically like ring of fire, with different rules). And yes, we keep going through phases with our drinking games. Then we went out to Centrum, the other bar. We are all getting to be really close, like a family. Not like a "Jersey Shore" type of family, but a normal one, lol. Our kitchen right now looks like theirs.....its what happens when the girls all go and visit their boyfriends. :)
Also during my break, I am planning a trip to Kiruna, which is a city up in north-north Sweden. I definetely want to rent snow-mobiles, dog-sled, and see the Northern Lights (which isn't guarranteed). Also, the famous Ice Hotel ( is nearby, but I'm not sure if it will be open yet. Options for getting there: 20+ hour train ride, or fly there, or fly....I'm leaning towards flying, for obvious reasons. lol
On the same subject of travelling, Visitors are welcome! I James Jarman mentioned that he may come with friends some friends and come visit after finals....which would be awesome. Also, my brother got a new job at a bank in Merritt Island, and said he may "stop by." If you ever wanted to see Sweden, then nows the time! (this is me convincing you to come, lol)
Final thought: should I get my hair cut before Copenhagen? I want it short now, but on the other hand, if I keep it long and grow my beard out, my Viking costume would be awesome! Thoughts on that? let me know
You should definitely grow out your beard and keep your hair long for halloween. It'll look sweet! lol