hej, thank you all for the birthday wishes. It was cool having friends from different countries write "happy birthday" in a bunch of different languages on my wall. Also, I miss back home, and even though its been the best time of my life over here...I know I have to get back to "reality" sometime, lol. My birthday night was fun, supposedly everyone counted down to midnight and yelled HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and I hugged everyone. Sunday, about 12 of us went to a pizza place for a bday dinner, and I ordered the Kabob Pizza (looked bad, but tasted phennomenal). No cake, but it doesn't matter to me because whats important is the company.
Today was pretty busy. We spray painted white t-shirts for the Tallinn cruise, which is tomorrow!! We had stencils that said random things like "Team JKPG" and "I'd hit that" and we made our shirts unique. Should be fun, and we leave tomorrow!!
Also, today I had the opportunity to help a researcher in one of the materials and casting labs at the university. I helped in an experiemnt that basically heated a magnesium and aluminum mixture, cooled it down a little and poured out the "sloshy" mixture. Boring? a little bit. Was cool when some of the 600 degree celsius material missed the container and almost caught the floor on fire. Other than that, its just something to put on my resume. :)
I failed my Swedish Exam!!! I feel dumb, and now have to re-take it on December 3rd, right before the Kiruna trip. No pressure, though, because if I fail it again I don't get my minor in International Engineering.
Finally, I forgot this story: About a week ago, I got a haircut from a swedish guy who spoke literally no English. The only word he knew was "shorter?" After his boss translated my request, I sat there extremely nervous and watched closely the entire time. Turned out great though.
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