Jönköping University

Sunday, November 21, 2010

what a week

Here was my past week in Sweden:

During the week, Tallinn Cruise: We took a bus ride to Stockholm, and then left for an overnight trip to Estonia. The first night there was a dinner buffet with unlimited food and alcohol for two hours: lets just say that Jonkoping was the loudest school there. Party at night (was okay), then we arrived in Tallinn, Estonia at 10AM. At 12:15 I proceeded to wake everyone up, which was dificult, lol for obvious reasons. Our first impression of the city was that it was dirty, depressing, and just overall not very cool. This was just by the boat docks, because once we arrived at the

This past weekend: Friday night just stayed in and watched a movie ;) and last night we did our normal trip to Huset after a birthday party on the 5th floor. Was a fun weekend, but during the week was better.

-The weather is getting colder (obviously) and has been snowing more often. Also, the main street is lined with lights overhead, which makes it look awesome at night. Unfortunately night begins at 4pm.

-Initiation is going on back home for Beta Theta Pi. I can't wait to meet the new brothers of my chapter. Which is actually coming up too soon. Just about a month away until this whole process is over!! :( I cannot say goodbye to this just yet, and will probably shed a few tears when the time comes.

Things I'm looking forward to:

-Thanksgiving is this thursday. Need to represent the USA on this one.
-James Jarman and Victor visiting me in December
-Taking 3 finals....just kidding! not looking forward to this one.

-Kiruna trip. There's 9 of us going, and after calling a few audibles, we finally have the plans set. We are flying there on saturday (no 24 hour train ride), taking a doglsed tour in the evening to see the Northern Lights. Sunday we are taking a 6 hour snowmobile tour to the ICE Hotel (which we will see under construction), and monday we are getting a tour of the iron mine, which is the largest underground mine in the world. I'm really excited for this, but need to do school work in the mean time. Hej då!

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